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Stanozolol Powder | 99% Raw Winstrol Winny Oral Steroid for Sale

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Buy 99.0% Purity Muscle Building Anabolic Oral Steroids Winstrol Winny Stanozolol Powder Online 


Stanozolol (winstrol) Description

Winstrol or Stanozolol is an anabolic steroid for thin and hard, it is mainly used as a mouth during the wound cycle to lose body fat. It is a variant of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), so you can expect similar benefits of fat loss similar to any other DHT-derived steroids.

For most users, this is a cheaper alternative, and of course it’s more in the black market. Due to the modification of the A ring, this is a very unique steroid with a very unique cutting ability. Which makes winstrol become the top three cut steroids on the market.


Stanozolol (winstrol) Certificate Of Analysis

Test Analysis Standard Results
Identification IR: Pass
Specific Rotation +34~ +40° +36.2°
Loss On Drying ≤1% 0.6%
Other Steroid ≤2%(TLC) Pass
Organic Volatile Impuritie ≤2500PPM 1000PPM
Assay 98.0~100.5% 99.0%
Conclusion The specification conform with USP32 standard.


Stanozolol (winstrol) Dosage

Winstrol dosages in the medical arena originally called for a 6mg per day dosage, ideally split up throughout the day (e.g. a 2mg tablet administered 3 times per day). The injectable Winstrol as a medicine was typically prescribed at a dosage of 50mg only once every two to three weeks. However, for the purposes of athletics and performance enhancement, these medical dosages and frequencies for Winstrol do not help at all.

For athletics, physique, and strength, general winstrol dosage range (with the injectable) around 50 – 100mg administered every other day, equating to around 200 – 400mg per week. In terms of oral Winstrol, this averages to around 60mg per day, and lower dosages of Winstrol (such as 25 – 50mg per day) are said to work well for all groups of users and athletes. Because Winstrol is not an incredibly strong anabolic steroid meant for bulking and mass gaining, there is no need to rise dosages to extreme or dangerous levels, and for the purposes of aiding definition and fat loss, the aforementioned dosages here are good ranges.

For females, 5 – 10mg per day of the oral preparation is known to be pretty common among female bodybuilders and athletes that want to avoid any risk of virilization or other side effects. Although injectable Winstrol is not very common among female athletes and bodybuilders, 15mg injected every other day (for an approximate total of 60mg per week) is a good recommendation

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